I might be a couple of days behind... but I've decided to take up the 30 Day Declutter Challenge over at A Thrifty Mrs. My bedroom is forever building up mess... there is wool everywhere on the left side of my bed, I definitely own too many pairs of shoes, I am up to my nostrils in paperwork & there seems to be some kind of black hole under my bed!
Check out www.AThriftyMrs.com or head over to Twitter @athriftymrsuk to join in!
To do:
To do:
Sort out shoe collectionGet rid of ex's thingsTackle Paperwork- Odd socks
- Make-up clearout
Obliterate black hole under bed- Sell unwanted goods
Give lots to charity!Organize knitting bits- Delete useless facebook friends!
Sort out clothes- Clear top of wardrobe
Sort out drawers
Okay so this kinda dragged on through December too, but better late than never hey?!
wow this sounds really good, maybe I need to join in - i have loads of decluttering for christmas to do!!!! xxx